I love my truck, but it has to go. i figured I'd put an ad for it up on autotrader and that would motivate me to fix everything that is wrong with it. I figured, i should probably get the spray paint off the side and the number the tow truck guy put on the upper left hand corner of my windshield. Both of which have been there for over a year. both of which have prevented the neigborhoodlums from fucking with it in fear of the repercussions of vandalizing a gang affiliated vehicle.
7 weeks to go and still way to much to do. These last few weeks i have drowned my worries with 1000's of ounces of booze and cigarettes. Last night I was up all night with a cough and figured it was time to bring myself back down to reality and face my responsibilities. Too many loose ends left untied will leave me caught in a web of shit. Better to take some scissors to the end of that rope as opposed to letting it fray out of control.
anyone want to buy a truck, or insure my vaccinations shots, or buy me a water purifier.